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"3 Powerful Principles From The Dalai Lama That Can Help Get You Through Any Crisis"

How to tackle pandemics, politics, and your own personal well-being.


"The 3 things that great teams have in common"

The invention of the organization — getting different humans together to collaborate on a project — is probably the greatest invention in the history of mankind. Through organizations, we’ve been able to build and create more value than any individual would likely have ever been able to imagine alone. And organizations are built on teams.

So it’s worth asking: What do great teams have in common? What do the teams that create consistent amounts of value all share? What do teams that overperform expectations have that underperforming teams lack?


"Pressure and Struggle Forge Us into Something of Our Choosing"

Lessons from spinal surgery, a crucible, and a trumpet.


"A strategy for supporting and listening to others"

As a police officer, Jeremy Brewer interacts with individuals experiencing trauma and loss on a daily basis. Giving us a peek into this little-discussed aspect of the job, Brewer shares thoughtful insights on why respecting people’s space is sometimes more important than trying to fix an unfixable moment — and explains how you can use this approach to support someone when they need you the most.


"3 kinds of bias that shape your worldview"

What shapes our perceptions (and misperceptions) about science? In an eye-opening talk, meteorologist J. Marshall Shepherd explains how confirmation bias, the Dunning-Kruger effect and cognitive dissonance impact what we think we know — and shares ideas for how we can replace them with something much more powerful: knowledge.


"How I Approach the Toughest Decisions"

Our choices reflect and determine who we are.


"Finding The Highest Common Factor Is A Surprisingly Powerful Practice"

All it takes is a little time, thought and some beetroot brownies.


"How Organizations Create Intrinsic Value"

Value creation is the essence of business. Value is what attracts and keeps customers. Value is what attracts and retains employees. It’s also what attracts and maintains relationships with investors, suppliers, distributors and the wide range of other stakeholders who are critical to the firm’s long-term success.


"Kindness is Measured by the Benefit of the Doubt"

As the holidays near, consider what it means to be kind.


"How reverse mentoring can create better leaders"

Employee diversity and inclusive leadership are goals for most organizations today, but how do we get there? Try a “reverse mentorship” program, which sets up junior team members to guide senior staff. Here are 6 tips to make reverse mentorship work, from executive coach and personal development advocate Patrice Gordon.


"10 Books that Changed My Life"

In the last 30 years, and as part of my study of Humanity, the Mind and the Spiritual World, I have read many books but I would like to share with you the 10 books I consider to be the most “Life Changing” for me:


"The gift and power of emotional courage"

Psychologist Susan David shares how the way we deal with our emotions shapes everything that matters: our actions, careers, relationships, health and happiness. In this deeply moving, humorous and potentially life-changing talk, she challenges a culture that prizes positivity over emotional truth and discusses the powerful strategies of emotional agility. A TED talk to share.


"The Thing You Most Want to Save Time on Is a Thing You Shouldn’t Be Doing at All"

Two questions to eliminate dread and replace it with joy.


"How to change your behaviour for the better"

What’s the best way to get people to change their behavior? In this funny, information-packed talk, psychologist Dan Ariely explores why we make bad decisions even when we know we shouldn’t — and discusses a couple tricks that could get us to do the right thing (even if it’s for the wrong reason).


"Self-Actualization: Learning To Manage Our Worst Selves"

We all talk about being the best we can be, but what if being our best means being able to manage our worst selves? I believe that we all have our darkness. Personality traits are like yin and yang. Every strength comes with a weakness. The intensity of your strength comes at a cost of the intensity of your weakness. Unless all of your traits are neutral, then you can’t run away from this fact of the human psyche.


"9 Ways to Find Stillness in Turbulent Times"

Everyone from the Stoics to the Buddhists knew the importance of this essential virtue.


"How businesses can serve everyone, not just shareholders"

Companies worldwide are pledging to play a more meaningful role in the well-being of their employees, customers and the environment. How can they turn their promises into action? From creating a representative boardroom to committing to measurable sustainability goals, business leader Dame Vivian Hunt discusses the necessary changes companies can make to embrace stakeholder capitalism — and shares how it could change business for good.


"How great leaders inspire action"

Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership — starting with a golden circle and the question: “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Wright brothers.


"How animals choose their leaders, from brute force to democracy"

As Americans vote in the 2020 presidential election, we looked at how animals from elephants to bees keep their societies in line.


"The Single Most Important Lesson From Harvard’s Longest Study On Happiness"

The most comprehensive study ever done, on well-being.


"In Praise of Risk"

I’m convinced that in life we are either moving forward or backward, and that rarely are we standing still or static. Even when we think we are stuck, we are being dragged downwards and backwards by a variety of thoughts, circumstances, people, etc…


"What Makes Some People More Resilient Than Others"

This article is part of a series on resilience in troubled times — what we can learn about it from history and personal experiences.

The very earliest days of our lives, and our closest relationships, can offer clues about how we cope with adversity.


"12 Things Genuinely Strong People Do"

Grace shows immense strength.


"Secrets to understanding life"

From work and happiness, to love and success (and everything else in between), these TED talks offer insights on some of life’s biggest secrets.


"5 Things Emotionally Resilient People Don’t Do"

Get rid of these habits and watch your natural resilience rise.


"Which of these habits is keeping you from being a great communicator?"

Yes, we all do these things, but they can suck the life from your conversations, says sound consultant Julian Treasure. Read this and enjoy life-filled discussions.


"Why the right kind of ignorance can be a good thing"

There are seemingly infinite options in the world today.

And with increased options come increased choices. This may seem like a good thing, but for most people it is not. More choices mean more decisions, and decision fatigue can lead to you getting stuck in negative cycles.

A lot of the choices you encounter on a daily basis are endless rabbit holes to nowhere. Instead of keeping the door open to more choices, you need the discernment and confidence to close most doors so you’re entirely unaware of them……


"The 10 Books That Changed My Life"

These books changed the way I think, and because of that, I go back to them time and again.


"How to build (and re-build) trust"

Trust is the foundation for everything we do. But what do we do when it’s broken? In an eye-opening talk, Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei gives a crash course in trust: how to build it, maintain it and rebuild it — something she worked on during a recent stint at Uber. “If we can learn to trust one another more, we can have unprecedented human progress,” Frei says.


"Finding our way to true belonging"

So many of us long to be part of something real. But we’ll need to risk discomfort and criticism and show the world our real selves first, says vulnerability researcher Brené Brown.


"The one common trait of the most successful sporting teams in history"

A sports writer finds the ‘best teams in history’ and discovers the one thing they all have in common.

What does it take to be the best of the best — a truly great sports team? What’s the secret to their success? Questions Sam Walker, the founding sports editor for the Wall Street Journal, spent more than a decade investigating.


"Why the World Needs Self-Reflective Leaders"

In a recent webinar, Manfred Kets de Vries, INSEAD Distinguished Clinical Professor of Leadership Development & Organisational Change, shared his thoughts on what the current crisis means for leaders. Drawing from the teachings of the early Greek philosophers, he said that the inscription on the temple of Apollo in Delphi, “Know thyself”, remains utterly relevant to this day.


"Why winning doesn't always equal success"

Valorie Kondos Field knows a lot about winning. As the longtime coach of the UCLA women’s gymnastics team, she won championship after championship and has been widely acclaimed for her leadership. In this inspiring, brutally honest and, at times, gut-wrenching talk, she shares the secret to her success. Hint: it has nothing to do with “winning.”


"18 Things That Are Not Worth the Mental Cost"

Or the subsequent energy drain…


"How Resilient Leaders Think"

Can you encounter adverse circumstances and emerge stronger from them?

For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” – Shakespeare


"If You’re Serious About Success, Then You Need to Improve Your Recovery"

When you study the lives of people who are the best in the world at what they do, you’ll notice one consistent theme: Recovery…


"The beauty and complexity of finding common ground"

How can we disagree with one another, respectfully and productively? In this thoughtful talk, team builder Matt Trombley reflects on “agonism” — the tendency to take a rigid stance on issues — and shares why finding aspects of agreement can be the first step in resolving conflict. “When you can find even the smallest bit of common ground with somebody, it allows you to understand the beautiful wonder and complexity and majesty of the other person,” he says.


"A Brave and Startling Truth"

Astrophysicist Janna Levin reads Maya Angelou’s stunning humanist poem that flew to space, Inspired by Carl Sagan.


"The Real Key to Success is How You Navigate The Messy Middle: Lessons From Great Minds"

To make real progress, turn every new obstacle into an opportunity to get better and resilient.


"How language shapes the way we think"

There are about 7,000 languages spoken around the world — and they all have different sounds, vocabularies and structures. But do they shape the way we think? Cognitive scientist Lera Boroditsky shares examples of language — from an Aboriginal community in Australia that uses cardinal directions instead of left and right to the multiple words for blue in Russian — that suggest the answer is a resounding yes. “The beauty of linguistic diversity is that it reveals to us just how ingenious and how flexible the human mind is,” Boroditsky says. “Human minds have invented not one cognitive universe, but 7,000.”


"To Truly Improve Yourself, Spend Time In This One Uncomfortable Space"

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” — Socrates.

We all want to discover and pursue our true passions in life. In a now-famous post by former palliative care nurse, Bronnie Ware, the number one regret of the dying was that they had not lived lives that were ultimately true to themselves.


"Diversity Makes Countries Stronger in the Long Run: Study"

New research reveals that countries adapt to diversity over time and grow as a result.


"The silencing: learning to embrace “unknowing”"

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.
― Rainer Maria Rilke

This is the beginning of knowing who you are…..


"3 Secrets of Resilient People"

Everyone experiences loss, but how do you cope with the tough moments that follow? Resilience researcher Lucy Hone shares three hard-won strategies for developing the capacity to brave adversity, overcome struggle and face whatever may come head-on with fortitude and grace.


"The Best Recipe for a Meaningful Life"

As well as self reflection and courage, the four words we should all live by…


"Using science of resilience to strengthen Rotary clubs during COVID-19"

Resilience is the process of adapting in the face of adversity. When we experience a traumatic or stressful event, our brains activate a number of pathways to protect us.


"This Single Moment Saved the World from Nuclear Annihilation — and Tony Robbins Found Out What It Was"

By continuously practicing this technique, you can unlock a powerful moment in your own life.


"The 8 Virtues Of Highly Admirable Everyday People"

For example, #7 They put themselves first, but not in the way you think…


"How Humility Will Make You the Greatest Person Ever"

Our culture places so much value on external accomplishments, appearance, and self-aggrandizement — all things that are ephemeral at best — that even a small display of this quiet virtue can make one feel like a drowning man coming up for air.


"Feel like you’re about to lose it? It could be a good time for a Meta-Moment"

When we’re overwhelmed by emotions, we’re usually not our best selves. We may blow up, say hurtful things or burst into tears. But what if we had a tool we could use to turn down the temperature at those times? Psychologist Marc Brackett has a helpful strategy.


"Here’s what your anger is telling you — and how you can talk back"

The last time you got peeved, ticked or just plain enraged, did you stop and listen to what your mind was telling you? Ryan Martin, psychology professor at the University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, has spent his career doing just that. Turns out, the thoughts that we have in response to the first flare of anger are what can send us over the edge — or help us harness the emotion for good, Martin says.


"How to manage your stress like an ER doctor"

How do doctors in the emergency room stay calm and focused amidst the chaos? Drawing on years of experience, ER doctor Darria Long shares a straightforward framework to help you take back control and feel less overwhelmed when life starts to get “crazy busy.”


"The right way to be introspective (yes, there’s a wrong way)"

Obsessive navel-gazing can be satisfying, but the problem is, it can also be damaging. Organizational psychologist Tasha Eurich suggests ways to escape the loop of rumination and learn how to move forward for real.


"Talks to help you focus on what really matters"

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily dramas of life. These talks can help you step back, slow down and appreciate the bigger picture.


"10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation"

When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have conversations — and that most of us don’t converse very well. Celeste Headlee has worked as a radio host for decades, and she knows the ingredients of a great conversation: Honesty, brevity, clarity and a healthy amount of listening. In this insightful talk, she shares 10 useful rules for having better conversations. “Go out, talk to people, listen to people,” she says. “And, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.”


"Grit: the power of passion and perseverance"

Leaving a high-flying job in consulting, Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school. She quickly realized that IQ wasn’t the only thing separating the successful students from those who struggled. Here, she explains her theory of “grit” as a predictor of success.


"3 questions to ask yourself about everything you do"

How you respond after setbacks is what defines your character. Stacey Abrams was the first black woman in the history of the United States to be nominated by a major party for governor — she lost that hotly contested race, but as she says: the only choice is to move forward. In an electrifying talk, she shares the lessons she learned from her campaign for governor of Georgia, some advice on how to change the world — and a few hints at her next steps. “Be aggressive about your ambition,” Abrams says.


"In uncertain times, think like a mother"

There’s a simple and powerful way to confront the world’s most pressing crises, says women’s rights activist Yifat Susskind: think like a mother. As she puts it: “When you think like a mother, you prioritize the needs of the many, not the whims of the few.” Follow along as she shares moving stories of people around the world who embody this mindset — and shows how it can also help you see beyond suffering and act to build a better world.


"The beauty of what we'll never know"

Almost 30 years ago, Pico Iyer took a trip to Japan, fell in love with the country and moved there. A keen observer of the human spirit, Iyer professes that he now feels he knows far less about Japan — or, indeed, about anything — than he thought he knew three decades ago. In this lyrical meditation on wisdom, Iyer expands on this curious insight about knowledge gained with age: that the more we know, the more we see how little we know.


"The One Book That Will Change Your Life"

“And allow you to live by different rules,” begins Jessica Lynn.


"There's more to life than being happy"

Our culture is obsessed with happiness, but what if there’s a more fulfilling path? In this TED talk, happiness comes and goes, says writer Emily Esfahani Smith, but having meaning in life — serving something beyond yourself and developing the best within you — gives you something to hold onto. Learn more about the difference between being happy and having meaning as Smith offers four pillars of a meaningful life.


"The Most Overlooked Skill of Successful People"

And how to develop it. A lovely, simple lesson on life from Maya Sayvanova.


"How to Have a Meaningful Life"

Why your second mountain is the answer, explains John Weiss, taking us through the lessons from David Brooks’s book “The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life.”


"How to be kinder to yourself"

People who have greater levels of self-compassion tend to be more motivated, less lazy, and more successful over time. But just as important, they like themselves, even when they fall short. Psychologist Susan David explains how you can cultivate this quality.


"You get to decide if you’re an inspiration or not"

Saying someone is “an inspiration” or “brave” might not be the compliment you think it is. Stella Young’s story brings to mind two TED Talks that on the surface could not be more different, but share a common thread.


"3 ways to measure your adaptability -- and how to improve it"

When venture investor Natalie Fratto is determining which start-up founder to support, she doesn’t just look for intelligence or charisma; she looks for adaptability. In this insightful talk, Fratto shares three ways to measure your “adaptability quotient” — and shows why your ability to respond to change really matters.


"7 Life Lessons from Tao"

The Tao Te Ching takes 20 minutes to read and 20 lifetimes to understand. This dog learned it in 1.


"You are not alone in your loneliness"

Being open and vulnerable with your loneliness, sadness and fear can help you find comfort and feel less alone, says writer and artist Jonny Sun. In an honest talk filled with his signature illustrations, Sun shares how telling stories about feeling like an outsider helped him tap into an unexpected community and find a tiny sliver of light in the darkness.


"Empathy is not Endorsement"

Digital creator Dylan Marron has racked up millions of views for projects like “Every Single Word” and “Sitting in Bathrooms With Trans People” — but he’s found that the flip side of success online is internet hate. Over time, he’s developed an unexpected coping mechanism: calling the people who leave him insensitive comments and asking a simple question: “Why did you write that?” In a thoughtful talk about how we interact online, Marron explains how sometimes the most subversive thing you can do is actually speak with people you disagree with, not simply at them.


"Why you should define your fears instead of your goals"

The hard choices — what we most fear doing, asking, saying — are very often exactly what we need to do. How can we overcome self-paralysis and take action? Tim Ferriss encourages us to fully envision and write down our fears in detail, in a simple but powerful exercise he calls “fear-setting.” Learn more about how this practice can help you thrive in high-stress environments and separate what you can control from what you cannot.


"How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are"

Writer Andrew Solomon has spent his career telling stories of the hardships of others. Now he turns inward, bringing us into a childhood of adversity, while also spinning tales of the courageous people he’s met in the years since. In a moving, heartfelt and at times downright funny talk, Solomon gives a powerful call to action to forge meaning from our biggest struggles. Says Andrew, “I tend to find the ecstasy hidden in the ordinary joys, because I did not expect those joys to be ordinary to me.”


"How to be more hopeful"

8 TED speakers show you how to nudge your mind toward the sunny side.


"The power of protest"

Across history, protest has shaped societies in tremendous ways. These talks explore how movements catalyze monumental change.


"The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding"

With profound simplicity, Coach John Wooden redefines success and urges us all to pursue the best in ourselves. In this inspiring talk he shares the advice he gave his players at UCLA, quotes poetry and remembers his father’s wisdom.


"This is your brain on communication"

Neuroscientist Uri Hasson takes us inside his lab’s fascinating research — and our heads — to show the meeting of the minds that occurs every time we talk to each other.


"Why It’s Dangerous to Focus on “Finding Your Passion” and What You Should Do Instead"

“Find your passion” might be the worst advice ever, begins Ayodeji Awosika…


"How to Build Mental Toughness in Your 20s (or 80s)"

A psychologist’s letter to his 22-year-old self.


"The Truth About CSR"

The authors of this article, V. Kasturi RanganLisa ChaseSohel Karim, begin: “Most companies have long practiced some form of corporate social and environmental responsibility with the broad goal, simply, of contributing to the well-being of the communities and society they affect and on which they depend. But there is increasing pressure to dress up CSR as a business discipline and demand that every initiative deliver business results. That is asking too much of CSR and distracts from what must be its main goal: to align a company’s social and environmental activities with its business purpose and values.”


"How to be a Better Human"

TED Ideas has published a series called “How to Be a Better Human,” containing a helpful pieces of advice from speakers in the TED community. Enjoy these pearls of wisdom:-)


"Talks to watch when every conceivable bad thing has just happened to you"

When it rains, it tends to pour. Here’s hoping that a break in the clouds is coming soon. Find solace in these comforting talks.


"7 lessons about finding the work you were meant to do"

You don’t “find your calling,” you fight for it — and other lessons from people who found their passion (sometimes late in life). So begins StoryCorps founder Dave Isay.


"4 simple exercises to strengthen your attention and reduce distractibility"

Our attention gets hijacked by everything from the stress in our lives to the ding of our phones. Neuroscientist Amishi Jha shows how we can cultivate the ability to focus on what really matters.


"5 ways to build lasting self-esteem"

Everyone is in favor of high self-esteem — but cultivating it can be surprisingly tough. Psychologist Guy Winch explains why — and describes smart ways we can help build ourselves up.


"Why Creating More Kindness and Compassion Matters"

Dr Jenny Brockis gives us evidence that slowing down and noticing more is an important first step to creating more kindness and compassion.


"Reclaiming Friendship: A Visual Taxonomy of Platonic Relationships to Counter the Commodification of the Word “Friend”"

With her usual deep thought and compassion, Maria Popova explores: “Exploring the concentric circles of human connection through the lens of our ideal and real selves.”


"EMPATHY is the most important leadership skill needed today!"

Brigitte Hyacinth begins: “To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times, what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.”


"8 tips to help you become more resilient"

Clinical psychologist Meg Jay shares practical ways to overcome whatever life throws your way.


"The Ten Most Influential Books I’ve Read"

Delaney Jaye begins: “My non-fiction reading list that helped me pay off five-figure debt balances and believe in myself enough to start my own business.”


"Feel like you don’t fit in? Here’s how to find where you truly belong"

Some fresh advice on identifying and searching for your own community, from business innovator Nilofer Merchant.


"How to Beat Stereotypes by Seeing People as Individuals"

We often judge people by their group membership—but research suggests other ways to see each other.


"The professional trait no career adviser ever mentions: generosity"

Your work immediately becomes more meaningful when you genuinely want to help your clients.


"Sorrow and Tragedy will Happen to Us All - 3 Strategies to Help You Cope"

Tough times are inevitable. Wellbeing and resilience expert Lucy Hone shares the three straightforward tactics that she used to get through her darkest days.


"How to Survive Following Your Passions"

So, you’ve decided to pursue your dreams. Go you! It’ll be hard work, but well worth the effort. Throughout your quest, let these TED Talks reinvigorate your sense of purpose when times get tough.


"The 3 Secrets of the World’s Most Emotionally Intelligent Leaders"

“Knowing thyself is just the beginning,” begins Christopher D. Connors.


"The 3 Traits of Highly Resilient People"

are acceptance, purpose, and flexibility, suggests Nick Wignall.


"A Hippocratic Oath for Corporations"

Pushan Dutt suggests that “When it comes to corporate responsibility, it’s time to stop the virtuous talk and begin to take simple actions.” I found his article refreshingly hopeful, because I see businesses around me taking some of these steps now. Enjoy!


"How changing your story can change your life"

Stories help you make sense of your life — but when these narratives are incomplete or misleading, they can keep you stuck instead of providing clarity. In this actionable TED talk, psychotherapist and advice columnist Lori Gottlieb shows how to break free from the stories you’ve been telling yourself by becoming your own editor and rewriting your narrative from a different point of view.


"How we experience awe and why it matters"

The profound changes that are possible when approaching other people from not knowing
Neuroscientist Beau Lotto conducted an ambitious study with Cirque du Soleil on the emotion of awe and its psychological and behavioral benefits. In this talk and live performance, he shares some of their findings — and stands back as Cirque du Soleil dancers create their own awe-inducing spectacle.


"From Good Intentions to Maximising Your Impact"

Ad hoc projects for “giving back” might make you feel great, but are you realising your full potential?

A good question, thoughtfully explored by Jasjit Singh.


"How to make hard choices"

Here’s a TED talk that could literally change your life. Which career should I pursue? Should I break up — or get married?! Where should I live? Big decisions like these can be agonizingly difficult. But that’s because we think about them the wrong way, says philosopher Ruth Chang. She offers a powerful new framework for shaping who we truly are.


"If You Want to Be Rich, Be Thoughtful...and Kind"

“There’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” — Scott Adams.

So begins Michael Thompson. It’s easy to be kind…


"Materialized Meaning: The Biggest Problem in the Modern World"

Zat Rana explores these questions “Can humans live without an overarching narrative to guide their lives? Can society survive without the binding glue of God and morality as one?” and finds his answer…


"How to Bounce Back if You Feel Like You’re Falling Behind in Life"

Ayodeji Awosika shares how he shifted his life from quitting to seizing windows of opportunity.


"An Ode to Listening"

An Illustrated Ode to Attentiveness and the Art of Listening as a Wellspring of Self-Understanding, Empathy for Others, and Reverence for the Loveliness of Life.

A sweet serenade to our shared belonging by Maria Popova.



"Measuring what makes life worthwhile"

Chip Conley takes us through part of his business success story with humble honesty, telling us of that he learned from a maid and a king and how he sees that transforming our businesses. It transformed his!


"The Only 4 Pieces of Advice I’d Tell My Younger Self"

Michael Thompson has a short list of advice for his younger self, including “Kindness is the fastest way to change the world.”


"How to revive your belief in democracy"

Civic evangelist Eric Liu? shares a powerful way to rekindle the spirit of citizenship and the belief that democracy still works. Join him for a trip to “Civic Saturday” and learn more about how making civic engagement a weekly habit can help build communities based on shared values and a path to belonging.


"Protect your downtime: why recovery is the key to resilience"

Aytekin Tank extends a delicious invitation: What can something as simple as water teach us about resilience? Be like water. Read to to find out how easy this is, and how important for our well being.


"How to Disagree Productively and Find Common Ground"

An enlightening talk by Julia Dhar on this respectful and surprisingly easy-to-reach space.


"Leo Tolstoy on Kindness and the Measure of Love"

“Nothing can make our life, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness.”

Another lovely article by Maria Popova.


"Six Enablers of Emergent Learning"

Creating the conditions to foster emergent learning in organizations.

Sahana Chattopadhyay begins:
Why emergent learning? As I wrote in my earlier article: Intended learning happens from a place of knowing and against a set of specific goals. Emergent learning happens from a place of reflection and sensemaking.

In today’s technology-facilitated and boundaryless world, emergent learning takes place at the intersection of ongoing human experience and tacit knowledge, technology, collaboration, complex and novel challenges, and conditions of uncertainty and ambiguity. I believe holding space for emergent learning is one of the pre-conditions for creating a thrivable and anti-fragile organization, one which flourishes in the face of change and disruption by leaning into the emerging future.

Read on, and you will discover that reflection and systems thinking are integral to life in our VUCA world, both for individuals and especially for organisations.


"How to (Truly) Become a Good Person"

Another lovely thought from Ayodeji Awosika)


"How Organizations Create Intrinsic Value"

Reading Time: 5 minutes
Gideon Rosenblatt begins: “Value creation is the essence of business. Value is what attracts and keeps customers. Value is what attracts and retains employees. It’s also what attracts and maintains relationships with investors, suppliers, distributors and the wide range of other stakeholders who are critical to the firm’s long-term success.”


"25 TED Talks that will change how you see the world"

These are some of the TED Talks that had you looking at the world differently by the time the credits rolled (in no specific order).


"Sustainability and the Five Archetypes of Boardroom Behaviour"

N. Craig Smith proposes that, when it comes to “walking the talk” of sustainability, the type of board directors matters.


"You Are Who You Think You Are: How Your Identity Shapes Your Life"

Writer Ayodeji Awosika suggests that “The words you put after ‘I am’ determine the quality of your life.”


"A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success"

Alain de Botton examines our ideas of success and failure — and questions the assumptions underlying these two judgments. Is success always earned? Is failure? He makes an eloquent, witty case to move beyond snobbery to find true pleasure in our work.


"Preventing Busyness from Becoming Burnout"

Author Brigid Schulte is working with organisations with this goal: “
If workers see they can work more effectively and have a healthier work-life balance, perhaps instead of praising people who brag about being super busy and working all the time, they’ll begin to think: If workers aren’t getting their most important work done, are on the verge of burnout, and have little time for life, what needs to change at this organisation?”


"The notion of "community"​ for mental health recovery"

“ ‘Connection is why we are here. We are hardwired to connect with others. It gives meaning and purpose in our lives and without it there is suffering.’ This is a brilliant quote I read in the book Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. It summarises what I feel is the often looked over component to mental health recovery, is the importance of social connection and community.”

So begins the author, Rahul Seth.


"Making Kindness a Core Tenet of Your Company"

Bill Taylor shares: “… a recent column in the Washington Post reminded me of a truth that is even easier to overlook: Just as bad behaviour tends to spread, so too does good behaviour. Kindness, it turns out, is contagious.”


"The New Kindness of Leadership"

The days of the tough-as-nails boss that’s, well, a jerk, are on the way out! People are starting to realise that even if jerks may get great results on paper, they’re costing their company so much more in the damage they to do the culture and employee morale. Who wants to do business with a jerk? Who wants to do their best work for a jerk? Nobody! It’s time to start realising that niceness and kindness doesn’t mean weakness and that leaders who embrace kindness will see a big improvement in all facets of the workplace.

So begins Sonia McDonald in this most timely article.


"How to Get Better at the Things You Care About"

Working hard but not improving? You’re not alone. Eduardo Briceño reveals a simple way to think about getting better at the things you do, whether that’s work, parenting or creative hobbies. And he shares some useful techniques so you can keep learning and always feel like you’re moving forward.

Learning and reflection are just as important as doing!


"Do Kind People Make More Money?"

From Greater Good Magazine, a new study offers more evidence that selfishness may be self-defeating.

With thanks to Alicia Curtis for sharing:-)


"Why the Nicest People Are the Strongest Inside"

Tiffany Sun shares her story about staying nice despite the terrible times that life brought her way, and finding her resilience. A lovely read.


"How Mindfulness Actually Works, and Why It Can Change Your Life"

Zat Ratna explores Gary Weber’s research and practice of mindfulness, and offers this suggestion: “Mindfulness isn’t an instant cure for life’s ills, but it can give you a tool to better deal with them.”


"How to be Kind to Yourself: Stop Chasing Self-Confidence"

Gustavo Razzetti shares some loving and helpful insights into our relationships with ourselves, exploring the idea that “The enemy lies within.”


"3 Big Problems to Fix in 2019 to Promote Long-Term Stability"

In this post by John McArthur on the United Nations Foundation blog, he begins:
“2018 will go down in the record books as one of seemingly incessant geopolitical acrimony. For many policymakers, the imminent turn of the calendar offers brief respite – a moment to clear one’s head and take stock of the most salient challenges on the horizon.

What core problems need to be solved amid fast-shifting strategic alliances and the cacophony of public debates? Ultimately, most societies are grappling with a common triple task, even if local manifestations differ.”


"Why I'm Into Meditation"

Bill Gates finds meditation a helpful tool, “now that I’m married, have three children, and have a broader set of professional and personal interests, it’s a great tool for improving my focus.”


"Against Productivity"

Quinn Norton begins with “The essay took four years to write.”


"A Year That Matters"

Through honest and generous sharing of his own life journey, Umair Haque offers us a way to review our own year in the same spirit.


"When Being ‘Nice’ Hurts You More Than It Helps"

Annie Zelm begins this thoughtful article with “A lot of people have described me as ‘nice.’ It never used to bother me, until I started to notice it wasn’t always a compliment.” She goes on to explore the vast difference between being nice and being kind.


"Wins for the World: When International Cooperation Works"

Reading the news can be depressing, but that doesn’t mean global progress isn’t happening. Even though it doesn’t often make the headlines, the international community is coming together to act on some of our major challenges – and it’s working.


"I Left My Cushy Job to Study Depression. Here’s What I Learned."

“The self-loathing that often strikes in adolescence can fuel our inner critics,” begins Elitsa Dermendzhiyska.


"Why It’s Up to Us (to Create A Better Future)"

Umair Haque outlines three principles for reimagining organizations and leadership.


"Aristotle’s Philosophy of Friendship Still Matters Today"

“So many of our relationships are accidental. Here’s how to develop friendships that matter,” begins Zat Rana.


"3 Things the Dying Taught Me About Living Well"

“Contemplating one’s own death can be challenging and scary, but it doesn’t have to be. The lessons I’ve learned from the dying have helped me appreciate life more. It’s helped change my perspective on what’s important and what’s not. It’s helped me to make better decisions,” suggests Farhang Babkayee.


"The Overwhelmed Person’s Guide to Activism"

How to fight back when you have very little fight in you.


"Why we need to do nothing"

“It’s the curse of our generation. I feel like I need to fill every last minute of my day with productive activity, or I go into a death spiral of shame for not maximizing my output, which I’ve of course tied to my self-worth.“
So begins Ana Dean.


"Integrity. Is."

“Integrity is the soil that man stands upon that is a solid foundation for one’s inner being…“
So begins Anna Rozwadowska.


"How To Make Progress When You Are Terrified"

Deb Knobelman has 4 down-to-earth strategies to move you toward your goals when you are frozen.


"How To Be Productive According To Ancient Philosophy"

Darius Forum begins this helpful piece with the observation: “Improving productivity has been a pursuit of the modern human being from the start of civilization. Somehow, we believe that productivity is something that became important after the industrial revolution. We assume that, because we live busy lives, we need to optimize our time — especially in the 21st century. That’s not true.”


"Does Suffering Make Life Worthwhile?"

Find the answer in this thoughtful piece by Tom Stevenson:-)


"Aphorisms on Kindness from The Book of Life"

In theory, we all love kindness of course, but in practice, a kind person sounds like something we would try to be only once every other more arduous and more rewarding alternative had failed. Learning to be kind means acknowledging how boring kindness can (unfairly) sound.

So begins this truly lovely piece about kindness.

With deep thanks to Jo McNeilly for sharing this:-)


"You Don’t Need a Goal, You Need a Theme"

“Happiness is rarely a result of what you accomplish,” suggests Niklas Göke.


"Random Acts of Kindness Foundation"

Our mission is to change schools, the workplace, families and society through kindness. We work toward that goal by creating free content that promotes kindness toward others & teaches important kindness skills to kids.


"The Quest for Resilience"

Gary Hamel and Liisa Välikangas explore the “Resilience Gap”: even perennially successful companies are finding it more difficult to deliver consistently superior returns.


"The Three Principles of Wise Power"

“If you know how to harness the power of your mind, heart and soul, you will be wiser in the face of surprises and disruption,” proposes Visiting Professor of Corporate Governance and Sustainability at INSEAD, Marc Le Menestrel.


"Economics and the Great Divide"

Systems change is the ultimate pathway to the next economy we are striving to build.

Enjoy these suggestions for making change happen by Kendall Clifton-Short.


"Should We Choose Humility Over Heroism?"

The Myth of Heroism, and Why It’s Bad For Us: Umair Haque shares his kind and compassionate view.


"Choose the One that Thrills Your Heart"

Jack Preston King suggests that, to discover your destiny, take this advice from a Greek god:


"5 Crucial Quotes on Leadership and Why They are Important"

I am very passionate about leadership in education because a great leader saved my career. She showed me the importance of tapping into someone’s strengths and bringing out more in someone that they believed they could bring out in themselves. I am forever grateful for her guidance and think about her leadership often and hope that I provide just a portion for others through my work, in what she did for me.


"The Difference That Open-minded People Possess"

Zat Rana proposes that Your peripheral awareness is a light that attracts the darkness of what has yet to illuminate you. But for you to see it that way, you have to help it out when it provides the signal. You have to look for the pleasant in the unpleasant.

Enjoy this lovely reflection on being open to your world.


"How to Build Closer Relationships"

Thoughtful and very relevant advice from 7 TED speakers on creating better connections.

“Why don’t I feel closer to my parent/sibling/friend/co-worker?”

It’s a question that many of us have pondered at some point, and it usually comes out of our desire to feel more connected to the real VIPs in our life: that is, the people we care about, the people we share DNA with and/or the people we spend a lot of time with. There are a number of reasons — such as timing, competing commitments, differences of opinion, geography — why emotional distance can creep into the most important bonds. Here’s advice from seven TED speakers to help bridge some of them. Warning to the emotionally squeamish: Yes, we’re entering touchy-feely territory. But we can promise that none of these tips will hurt, and they could even make your relationships stronger.


"Delivering Kindness to Your Customers"

This link takes you to a page of newsletters written by Yurek Leon of Terrific Trading. All refreshing reading, including many ways to bring kindness into your customer relationships.


"Killing the ethic of killing"

Ginny begins this thoughtful blog post:

Death. We know it as an inevitability. There’s no elixir, to date, which grants us immortality. Death cannot be denied to all things that live. Hunger, senescence and biological weakness are the undeniable ways of this world.

That we humans, as part of nature, take life away from other beings is not always a wrongdoing. Peace on Earth is never going to be do-able when ecological violence and pain exist innately within the evolution of how life acquires energy; largely by the consumption of others.

More, we humans cause death by accident, neglect or ignorance. We might accidentally step on an ant, or a dandelion growing in a crack in the pavement. We might buy clothing from a retailer who sources stock from a place where river life is killed by dye run-off. We might choose to take our own life. We may even help others to end theirs…..


"Self reflection and journaling for leadership"

A lovely invitation to the timeless and most helpful practice.


"How To Recover When The World Breaks You"

We all break. The key is to become strong in the broken places.


"The Moment When You'll Finally Change"

My take on this is to be conscious of the moment when it becomes harder to resist change than to embrace the opportunity, but Kris puts it very well here:


"Why Leadership Requires Mental Resilience"

Seth encourages us to keep our internal smile especially in the tough times!


"Holding Space: the high art of leadership"

Nick Udall introduces us to the leaders needed for today and the future: Evocative leaders. They love life. They see problems as opportunities. When they hear no, they think yes. It is never about them, but it’s about the bigger endeavour they are passionate about, and the difference it will make. This is a special kind of leadership, as it doesn’t rely on hierarchical position, or command and control.


"The Science of Happiness in Four Simple Work Habits"

One happiness researcher believes we’re all capable of becoming happier in our jobs. It just takes a little bit of deliberate practice.


"The Good News: You are in Charge of Your Own Happiness:-)"

Message from Mo Gawdat:  happiness is greater than or equal to events of our lives minus our expectations.


"Naomi Klein: How Shocking Events can Spark Positive Change"

World events are pretty shocking right now. Journalist and activist Naomi Klein studies how governments take advantage of chaotic events to push societies backward, but in this talk Klein takes the opposite tack. She asks: What if we used today’s shocks to push us to create the society we really want? “The shocking events that fill us with dread today can transform us, and they can transform the world for the better,” Klein says. “But first we need to picture the world that we’re fighting for.”


"What Dysfunctional Leaders Do:"

Fail to Communicate at a Higher Functioning Level by Heather Herring Casey.


"Suggestions for having a good day"

Lovely images and music along with suggestions for you to reflect on.


"Grief is Just Love with No Place to Go by Kathy Parker"

Grief is not a road we walk, or a journey we take. It is not a process that can be defined by stages we are told we must feel – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. It is not a textbook diagram, or a framework we must comply to. It isn’t a task we must complete. We don’t push through it, we don’t move into it and out of it, we don’t follow a linear progression until we reach the other side of it…


"The psychology of your future self"

Over the next ten years, how much do you think your values, personality and preferences will change?

It turns out that they are likely to change more than you think. When reflecting on our past, we realize that throughout our life we have significantly changed. But when thinking of the future, we tend to greatly underestimate how much we will continue to evolve. In his fascinating seven-minute TED Talk, “The psychology of your future self,” Harvard professor Daniel Gilbert shares powerful research revealing this consistent miscalculation.


"My Stroke of Insight"

One of the most extraordinary gifts of the human brain is the ability to think about how it thinks — to observe itself in action. Rarely has any brain been in a better position to do this than the one belonging to neuroscientist Jill Bolte Taylor. On December 10, 1996, Taylor experienced a massive cerebral hemorrhage, and in her classic TED Talk, “My stroke of insight,” she shares what it was like from the inside.

Although we spend most of our time in our left brains Taylor encourages us to live more in our right brains, which is where her consciousness shifted during her stroke. She describes it as a place of beauty and peace and connectedness, where the boundary between the self and the universe dissolves. It is only here that we discover our strength and wisdom.


"Choose Wisely Who You Learn From"

Adam Smith has some wise words to share in this article. He begins with: Life is made up of many choices, and I think it is important to remember the need to choose wisely as to whom you allow to speak into your life.


"Eight Ways to Unlock the Power of Community"

It’s about being open to the needs of the community, not just my needs!


"The Art of Stillness"

The place that travel writer Pico Iyer would most like to go? Nowhere. In a counterintuitive and lyrical meditation, Iyer takes a look at the incredible insight that comes with taking time for stillness. In our world of constant movement and distraction, he teases out strategies we all can use to take back a few minutes out of every day, or a few days out of every season. It’s the talk for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the demands for our world.


"The Conversational Nature of Reality"

Internationally acclaimed poet David Whyte is an Associate Fellow at Templeton College and Said Business School at the University of Oxford, David works with many European, American and international companies, using poetry and thoughtful commentary to illustrate how we can foster qualities of courage and engagement.

In his talk, David encourages us to remain open to know the dialogue with our surroundings inform and inspire our ideas.


"How The Power Of Kindness Impacts Your Life And Others"

Tony Fahkry encourages us to be kind anyway. Lovely article.


"How To Stop Letting Others Dictate Your Worth"

It’s far better (and more resilient) when doing good work is sufficient. In other words, the less attached we are to outcomes the better.

Ryan Holiday gives us valuable insight into one of the major struggles to becoming happy with ourselves.


"10 Habits That Change Boys Into Men"

This article’s focus is on helping the struggling and confused young man. Indeed, many young men have taken the adverse cues of society as an excuse to evade responsibility and never really grow up.
If you are a young man and you’re struggling, you are not alone. This article is intended to challenge you to rethink your entire approach to life. If applied, these habits will radically set you apart from the decaying norm.


"Lessons from the longest study on human development"

For the past 70 years, scientists in Britain have been studying thousands of children through their lives to find out why some end up happy and healthy while others struggle. It’s the longest-running study of human development in the world, and it’s produced some of the best-studied people on the planet while changing the way we live, learn and parent. Reviewing this remarkable research, science journalist Helen Pearson shares some important findings and simple truths about life and good parenting.


"What Fear Can Teach Us"

In telling the story of the whaleship Essex, novelist Karen Thompson Walker shows how fear propels imagination, as it forces us to imagine the possible futures and how to cope with them.


"The Better You Know Yourself the More Resilient You Will Be"

Adapting to change requires self knowledge.


"The Paradox of Belonging"

This is a challenging paradox. Those who flourish in our community don’t need to be here.


"Secrets of the Most Resilient People"

Being able to bounce back from devastation may seem like a superpower, but there are several things you can do to prepare in advance.


"Don't Lose Yourself in Kindness"

There is kindness, and there is kindness. This story finds the sweet place between. Enjoy!


"Why Listening to the People You Hate Will Make You Smarter"

This listening touches a personal chord, and is not easy, but it’s crucial for true resilience.


"The 2 Minutes It Takes to Read This Will Help You Overcome Any Obstacle"

You were lied to, of course, when you started your journey.
You were made to believe it would be easy.
It is not easy.
It is not easy to start a business or write a book. It is not easy to grow a following or implement working solution. It is not easy to find an asset worth $1 and apply your unique idea to make it worth $5. It is not even easy to become very good at one activity.
Please read on…


"The Ultimate Survival Guide to Not Fitting In"

Todd Brison begins: I’m good at not fitting in. I do it all the time. But humans need to belong, so I do these things to make people think I’m a normal human being.


"How do we get sustainability that can survive bad leadership?"

Mallen Baker proposes that “We will have to remove once and for all the belief that a CEO has a duty only to maximise returns to shareholders.”


"The ocean crisis: hope in troubled waters"

In an interview with mongabay.com, Safina discuses the many perils facing marine life; the recent ocean spill in the Gulf (which his next book will tackle); his views on capitalism, consumption, and religion; and how widening our circle of compassion to include all life could save the world.


"Shaping Business for the Future"

“We need a new paradigm for business” says Fiona Brooks.


"The Future of Leadership"

“Class of 2013: The Future of Leadership” by Deepak Chopra is his commencement address to: President Margaret Drugovich, Trustees of Hartwick College, Guests, Parents and Students of the 2013 Graduating Class at Hartwick College.


"Is this Japanese concept the secret to a long, happy, meaningful life?"

This article from the World Economic Forum introduces a simple possibility for a meaningful life. Please enjoy.


"The Dark Side of Resilience"

“… could too much resilience be a bad thing, just like too much muscle mass can be a bad thing — i.e., putting a strain on the heart? Large-scale scientific studies suggest that even adaptive competencies become maladaptive if taken to the extreme.”


"Take a 120-Second Break to Boost Your Happiness"

Outside Magazine, 6 April 2016.
At some point during your work day, productivity starts to lag, and you need a break. We get it, and that’s why our ongoing Weekly Escape series transports you from your desk to an incredible place in two minutes or less. This week we go to the Drakensberg Escarpment of South Africa with photographer Alex Nail, who captured this footage while on a 9-day unsupported hike through this unbelievable wilderness. Boasting colossal cliffs, jagged ridges, and the world’s second highest waterfall, Tugela, the beauty of the escarpment will get you through the day. You can follow Nail on Facebook here.


"Jim Collins' Flywheel Continued"

Jim Collins has been researching his concept in his “Good to Great” book about the flywheel. Please enjoy his findings and recommendations.


"How to Develop a Passion for Compassion"

No other skill is more vital for a life well-lived.


"Why Grief is a Teacher"

A powerful short piece about opening up to the life lessons at the centre of grief.


"Cafe Dissensus"

Cafe Dissensus is an alternative magazine dealing in art, culture, literature, and politics. It’s based in New York City, USA. We DISSENT. The magazine also runs a blog, Cafe Dissensus Everyday.

A very specific urge behind this magazine is to challenge the contemporary parochial attitude in Indian media.


"Ten Tips from Ghandi on Changing the World"

Be guided by the infinite wisdom of this revered teacher, from the UPLIFT Weekly.


"A Better World Starts With You!"

From Kim Forrester, here are 4 ways to consciously choose and amplify kindness. It seems easy but does take courage.


"Life Lessons from a Mother"

Erin Sullivan shares her journey with her mother, including what she said at her mothers’ funeral. Some brave and true life lessons for all of us here.


"What dream has you?"

Prince Ea suggests that we look at dreams the wrong way round. The question is “what dream has you?” Enjoy.


"9 Mantras that Changed My Life Forever"

Todd Brison shares his life growing mantras, demonstrating that it does matter what we say to ourselves in our heads. Self talk matters!


"13 Things You Should Give Up If You Want To Be Successful"

The fascinating thing about this list is that there is not one “thing” on it. It’s all about our values and priorities and being our best selves.


"Why is Kindness Good for You?"

Enjoy this article from the Ripple Kindness Project


"Peace Science Digest"

The Peace Science Digest provides analysis and access to the top research in the field of Peace and Conflict Studies.

Published monthly, we aim to provide a mutually beneficial link between the field’s academic community and its practitioners, the media, public policy-makers and other possible beneficiaries.


"If Everyone Cared"

With thanks to the group Nickelback, we can understand how different our world would be if everyone cared.

And thanks to Tony Manso who told me about this video.



"Millennials: How We can Help Them!"

Simon SInek has some insightful and helpful advice for what is really needed for this wonderful generation to grow strong and resilient in themselves. It begins with relationships.


"New Ways to Protect the World’s Last Wild Places"

Despite the devastation that humans have wrought on our planet, many people are working to shift back the devastation with impressive results. This article from the Pew Charitable Trusts tells how.


"Living Planet Report 2016"

There is despair, but there is also hope here. “Transitioning towards an adaptive and resilient food system that provides nutritional food for all within the boundaries of a single planet is a daunting but essential goal.”

Reading this report, there are good things happening…


"What Great Listeners Actually Do"

Jack ZengerJoseph Folkman analyzed data describing the behavior of 3,492 participants in a development program designed to help managers become better coaches. They found some surprising conclusions, along with some qualities they expected to hear.


"Talks to help you focus on what really matters"

From praising slowness to what really matters at the end of life, these talks will help you slow down and reflect.


"A New Digital Currency for Sustainable Development"

An innovative digital currency could help harness and unleash more private capital to alleviate poverty, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.


"Talks to Help You Focus on What Really Matters"

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily dramas of life. These talks can help you step back, slow down and appreciate the bigger picture.


"The Dream We Haven't Dared to Dream"

What are your dreams? Better yet, what are your broken dreams? Dan Pallotta dreams of a time when we are as excited, curious and scientific about the development of our humanity as we are about the development of our technology. “What we fear most is that we will be denied the opportunity to fulfill our true potential,” Pallotta says. “Imagine living in a world where we simply recognize that deep, existential fear in one another — and love one another boldly because we know that to be human is to live with that fear.”

http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pallotta_the_dream_we_haven_t_dared_to_dream utm_source=newsletter_weekly_2016-05-07&utm_campaign=newsletter_weekly&utm_medium=email&utm_content=talk_of_the_week_image    

"COMMIT! Forum"

COMMIT! to a Responsible Culture and Supply Chain: The Event Where Responsible Companies Buy From Responsible Companies!


"Alliance Magazine: for Philanthropy and Social Investment Worldwide"

Since 1998 Alliance magazine has been the leading magazine for philanthropy and social investment worldwide providing news and analysis of what’s happening in the sector right across the world.


"A Most Resilient Grandmother!"

Margaret Watroba tells her amazing story of moving from Poland as a young person and making a whole life in Australia. AND she has climbed Mount Everest!!!

Please enjoy:-)


"How the Teddy Bear Taught Us Compassion"

In 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt legendarily spared the life of a black bear — and prompted a plush toy craze for so-called “teddy bears.” Writer Jon Mooallem digs into this toy story and asks us to consider how the tales we tell about wild animals have real consequences for a species’ chance of survival — and the natural world at large.


"Boatlift of 9/11"

We certainly were busy watching the news right after 9/11, but never saw this. BOATLIFT OF 9/11.

In the 10 years since this happened, this is the first time I’ve ever seen this video. I don’t even remember seeing/hearing about this evacuation on the news! And the fact it was all done in 9 hours.

This is an interesting video well worth watching. The man at the end (same man at the beginning) has some great words to live by for all of us.


"Be the Peace! It begins in your own heart"

The 2014 United Nation’s Global Peace Day linked hundreds of cities around the world.


"The Collaboration Imperative"

This article explores four models of collaboration, showing that systemic sustainability collaboration can work! Please enjoy.


"A Question: What If Everyone Cared?"

Please be inspired by this 4-minute video of fellow Earth citizens who cared enough to change their world. You never know it might help you to make steps to protect what you care about:-)


"Money and Happiness!"

Recent research shows that there is a limit to how much money buys happiness


"Environmental Acceptability as the Driver of New Civilization"

This article explores the leadership that our human world needs for living sustainably on our planet.


"Trust and the Fall of Public Relations by Robert Phillips"

Trust, Robert argues, is both complex and fragile – the result of an atomised and activist society, where power and influence are asymmetrical. Trust is possible – but there isn’t a simple formula to build it, nor a silver bullet to restore it. Leaders must think and behave differently if their own leadership, companies and/or brands are to be trusted.


"Compassion and Happiness"

Compassion plays a central role in sustainable happiness. John F. Schumaker finds that happiness is elusive but obtainable.


"Kindness is The Pale Blue Dot"

This short film, from the Sagan Series, explores the possibility that we can be kind to our planet because it’s the only home will have in the universe.


"Survival of the Nicest"

A new theory of evolution based on the human species learning to survive and thrive through building collaborative environments.


"Resilience Matters Most"

According to the Harvard Business Review, if you want to lead lasting change – especially social change – in the world, your resilience matters the most.


"The Greater Good Science Center: The Science of a Meaningful Life"

The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.


"A Leader's Kind Heart Is Good For Business"

What’s the secret to Shari Arison’s success? Spreading kindness, in the workplace and the world.


"The Slow Movement"

The Slow Movement aims to address the issue of ‘time poverty’ and poor health through making connections.
If we think about the following trends. Buddhism is the fastest growing religion in the world today. People are turning to organic food in droves. Schools are in turmoil.
How slow can you go? Home schooling is becoming commonplace. People are downshifting. The Slow Food movement is gaining popularity with 811 convivia worldwide.


"Words of Peace Global"

“Words of Peace Global (WOPG) is an international charitable foundation which promotes Prem Rawat s message of peace by making it available to audiences around the world through Live Events, Webcasts, LifeStreams, Broadcasts, and a variety of other communication channels. We invite you to explore this site, where you can find a variety of materials, including videos, articles, news, and more.”


"The Sycamore Tree Project"

In Western Australia, the Sycamore Tree Project is a program run by Prison Fellowship WA. Victims of crime come into the prison for one session a week for 10 weeks to meet with convicted felons and share their stories. Through the sharing of stories from both sides of the law, the participants are often propelled into a journey of healing and forgiveness. Myriad produced this program to help give possible participants an idea of what they can expect from the program. Here is a video of some of the stories: The Sycamore Tree Project.


"Global Directions"

Global Directions is based in Sydney. An independent think-tank, examining economics, international law, international relations and social trends from an interdisciplinary approach, with a very humanistic flavour.
Global Directions was founded by Dr Keith Suter: a futurist, thought leader, media personality and powerful thought provoking keynote speaker in the areas of social policy and foreign affairs.


"Business for Social Responsibility"

Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) provides socially responsible business solutions to many of the worlds leading corporations. Headquartered in San Francisco and with offices in Europe and China, BSR is a nonprofit business association that serves its 250 member companies and other Global 1000 enterprises.


"Corporate Social Responsibility News and resources"

This site is part of the personal site of Mallen Baker – Development Director for Business in the Community.

It is an expression of his own interest and concern in how companies respond to the agenda for corporate citizenship – the growing need to manage issues that affect their business reputation – and to respond to the growing needs and concerns of a range of different stakeholders.


"The Australian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility"

The Australian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ACCSR) is Australias leading specialist corporate social responsibility services provider. The centre provides advisory, research and training services in corporate social responsibility to a wide range of clients in the public, private and government sectors.


"Harvard Business School: Working Knowledge for Business Leaders article "Where Morals and Profits Meet: The Corporate Value Shift""

Harvard Business School professor Lynn S. Paine’s book, Value Shift, argues that companies can’t consider themselves amoral or apart from society anymorethat the relationship between companies and society at large necessitates bringing a moral dimension to decision making. In this interview with HBS Working Knowledge’s Carla Tishler, Paine explains why this shift has occurred, and why now.


"Community Business Limited"

A registered charity in Hong Kong, Community Business is committed to working with companies on corporate social responsibility. Its mission is to “Inspire, lead and support businesses to continually improve their positive impact on people and communities”



The latest news on Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics from around the world


"CSR Wire"

CSRwire is a source of corporate social responsibility and sustainability, press releases, reports and information. CSRwire members are companies and NGOs, agencies and organizations interested in communicating their corporate citizenship, sustainability, and socially responsible initiatives to a global audience through CSRwire’s syndication network and weekly News Alerts.
See RSS feed on the left of this page.


"Australian Institute for Corporate Responsibility"

The Australian Institute for Corporate Responsibility (AICR) provides cutting-edge corporate responsibility resources for large, medium and small business and community organisations.

Formed through an alliance between Our Community, Shannon’s Way and Deloitte, the AICR provides Australian companies with access to the practical knowledge needed to manage, implement, sustain and measure high-quality community engagement and corporate responsibility programs.


"People, planet and profit — Three Ps of corporate social responsibility"

Article from the Hindu Business Line Financial Daily, suggesting that over the years, companies have realised that clubbing business with community welfare is the best approach to continuity and profitability.


"The Balanced Scorecard and Corporate Social Responsibility: Aligning Values for Profit"

Article from GreenBiz News, suggesting CSR reporting has grown over the past few years, but the information provided by those reports isn’t always used for strategic advantage. Tying values and measures to a Balanced Scorecard could be the way to make good intentions more profitable.


"Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture"

The Centre in Graz, Austria, was established in 1988 and is the Graz unit of the Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies (IFF) of the University of Klagenfurt. Within the faculty it belongs to the Department of Research on Science and Technology.

IFZ is an interdisciplinary research institute dealing with issues of socially and environmentally sound technology design. In our work we attempt to improve the understanding of technology’s role in society and develop new approaches to shape technological change.


"Ethical Junction Network"

Ethical Junction brings together businesses and consumers who share a commitment to ethical values. Our directory gives easy access to products and services while ‘Pulse’, its news forum, is the source of up to date information on events as well as opinions and comment.


"Centre for Ethical Leadership"

The Center for Ethical Leadership is organized around a question: What kind of leadership does the common good need at this time in this place?

What we often hear people tell us is that we need leaders who:

Create Gracious Space as a tool for change.

Put their values in action to serve the common good.

Bring people together, across boundaries, to form collective leadership.

Ask compelling questions to initiate change that matters.


"David Suzuki Foundation"

Since 1990, the David Suzuki Foundation has worked to find ways for society to live in balance with the natural world that sustains us. Focusing on four program areas oceans and sustainable fishing, climate change and clean energy, sustainability, and the Nature Challenge – the Foundation uses science and education to promote solutions that conserve nature and help achieve sustainability within a generation.


"Social Capital"

Wikipedia entry describing Social Capital as a core concept in business, organizational behaviour, political science and sociology, defined as the advantage created by a person’s location in a structure of relationships.


"In Search of Courage"

The core message of this thoughtful article from “Fast Company.com” is that courage is the enforcing virtue, the one that makes possible all the other virtues common to exceptional leaders: honesty, integrity, confidence, compassion, and humility. In short, leaders who lack courage aren’t leaders.


"Social Investment Forum"

The Social Investment Forum is the U.S. national nonprofit membership association for professionals, firms and organizations dedicated to advancing the practice and growth of socially responsible investing (SRI). Critical to responsible investment practice is the consideration of environmental, social and corporate governance criteria in addition to standard financial analysis. Forum members support SRI through portfolio selection analysis, shareholder advocacy and community.


"As Public Opinion Battle Heats Up, Corporations Outpace Government in Fostering Social and Environmental Responsibility"

Public opinion is increasingly influential in corporate decision-making, writes columnist Sebastian Mallaby in an August 7 2006 Washington Post op-ed.


"Workplace Barometer: Are You Just Fighting Fires?"

With changing demography and generational changes in the workforce and with the unemployment rate in Australia at 1.25% in common with many other countries in the world standing at generationally low levels, it is more important than ever that recruitment and retention of employeees is seen as a strategic, board level initiative within organisations. However, most Australian organisations still consider recruitment to be a distress purchase and not something that needs to be planned for or factored into wider business planning.

As such, this report, the third in the Workplace Barometer series asks how equipped HR professionals are to think strategically and manage resources from a risk perspective. Are they focusing upon short term hiring needs rather than planning for talent resources? Are HR Managers too busy fighting fires to work strategically?


"Towards Corporate Social Responsibility"

Article from The Hindu: India’s National Newspaper, suggesting that concern for the community is often mistaken for socialism. On the contrary, capitalism thrives only when every citizen is an asset in economic activity and has opportunities to succeed.


"Global Reporting Initiative"

The United Nations’ Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has pioneered the development of the worlds most widely used sustainability reporting framework and is committed to its continuous improvement and application worldwide. This framework sets out the principles and indicators that organizations can use to measure and report their economic, environmental, and social performance.

An international network of thousands from business, civil society, labor, and professional institutions create the content of the Reporting Framework in a consensus-seeking process.


"Beyond Grey Pinstripes"

Beyond Grey Pinstripes is a biennial survey and alternative ranking of business schools. Our mission is to spotlight innovative full-time MBA programs that are integrating issues of social and environmental stewardship into curricula and research.


"Corporate Responsibility Index"

The Corporate Responsibility Index (CRI), licensed to St James Ethics Centre for use in Australia and New Zealand, is a strategic management tool designed by business for business.

The Corporate Responsibility Index was developed to help improve corporate responsibility by providing a systematic process that assists companies to identify their non-financial risk, as well as develop and improve corporate responsibility in line with their business strategy. It provides a benchmark for companies which are committed to managing, measuring and reporting their impact on society and the environment.


"Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes"

Launched in 1999, the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes are the first global indexes tracking the financial performance of the leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide. Based on the cooperation of Dow Jones Indexes, STOXX Limited and SAM they provide asset managers with reliable and objective benchmarks to manage sustainability portfolios.


"good company"

goodcompanys Engage Program makes it easy for corporate staff to volunteer their skills with one of our 670 community groups. We understand the challenges faced by both the corporate and community sectors. Our Engage Program provides a seamless, credible and effective solution that achieves better outcomes for corporates and community groups.


"Social Ventures Australia"

SVA works with innovative non-profit organisations to increase their growth and impact to drive transformational social change.

Our activities are focused on three areas – supporting a selected portfolio of non-profit organisations, consulting to the broader non-profit sector and developing social sector partnerships.


"World Social Forum"

Peoples’ movements around the world are working to demonstrate that the path to sustainable development, social and economic justice lies in alternative models for people-centred and self-reliant progress, rather than in neo-liberal globalisation.

The World Social Forum (WSF) developed as a response of the growing international movement to neo-liberal globalisation and the effects of neo-liberal economic policies being pursued in most countries. While international financial and trade institutions like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation make prescriptions to be followed by countries across the globe that affect the lives of people all over the world, the effects of such decisions are poorly understood in many cases. People in developing countries, as well as the poor and excluded sectors of developed countries continue to grapple with new situations that are being thrown as a result of the thrust towards globalization.


"3rd Middle East Corporate Social Responsibility Summit"

Shell has announced its sponsorship of the third Middle East Corporate Social Responsibility Summit, a regional initiative it launched six years ago to demonstrate its commitment to Sustainable Development of the communities within which it operates.


"Social Profit Network: A New Model for Positive World Change"

Around the world, a new form of social change is taking place. In contrast to traditional NGOs, a core set of extraordinary individuals and organizationscalled social entrepreneursare using business rigor to develop and implement economically-sustainable, high-impact solutions to social and environmental problems. We at Social Profit Network are working with some of the most powerful social entrepreneurs in the world, helping to scale their solutions and maximize their impact.


"The Centre for Social Profit Leadership: Supporting the Business Needs of Social Entrepreneurs"

Social Entrepreneurs providing innovative solutions to pressing social problems using free-market principles.

Established in 2005, The Center for Social-Profit Leadership is dedicated to serving and supporting the leadership requirements of innovative social entrepreneurs by providing access to the highest quality faculty composed of business, academic, leadership and social entrepreneurial professionals.


"Social Edge: by Social Entrepreneurs, for Social Entrepreneurs"

The mission of Social Edge to inform social entrepreneurs about news and opportunities, educate them with a set of information resources in the field and connect them to each other and the broader community with tools and services that support their work. Social Edge is a program of the Skoll Foundation that was inspired by Jeff Skoll’s commitment to connecting people with shared passions.
