exploring our Keys of Kindness together

Wendy Campbell's Invitations

Wendy Campbell’s Invitations to You for Conversations and Workshop

1. What would you say to your 18-year-old self?

In this conversation, you will find the seeds of your natural resilience that you have discovered as you have survived life’s challenges. Please see my blog for your introduction to this conversation.

If you would like to join us, globally online or in person in Perth, Australia, I would love to hear from you here.

2. Do the days of your life support your movement towards your purpose?

This conversation, based on my forthcoming book “Time Leadership: Making Friends with Your Time”, is held in in paid mentoring circles of co-learning, globally online and in person in Perth, Australia. If you would like to join us, I would love to hear from you here.

Wendy Campbell
Mentor and Founder: Resilient Leadership Program.
Fellow traveller on the journey of Making Friends with Your Time.
Contact: email.
Resilient Leadership profile: please click here.