exploring our Keys of Kindness together



Tertta Paananen is the lead mentor of our Paths to Identity and Type modules. Her Resilient Leadership™ focus is Knowing Your Core Purpose and Understanding and Appreciating Difference: our 3rd Key and 4th Keys of Kindness™.

Meet Tertta here, where she shares her Resilient Leadership™ Journey in her story and video.

Tertta has 40 years career of general consulting and coaching skills as well as specialist professional skills as an Learning Designer and Leading Learning. She has a focus on working co-creatively with her clients to support all aspects of their people leading learning processes to create a sustainable learning organisation that attracts and retains high performing people.

Tertta loves developing interventions for improving working relationships among people in teams or groups, organisations and networks. As a consultant of IMO Academy, she co-develops the Methodology of the Evidential and the Horizontal Leadership practices.Her skills are observing people and their situation and finding the question that is at the table. Looking at processes, dialogue and biography, she researches with her clients how to get to the next step.

Her focus is to design a leading learning process in different learning environments and systems, respecting clients’ questions.

Tertta lives in Viitasaari, Middle Finland, where she balances caring for her elderly mother with her coaching and community work as well as nurturing her family and personal relationships.

Qualifications and experience:
Licenciate of Education, Tampere University, 2015.
Member of Association for Social Development, (International).
The coach in IMO Academy.
40 years experience leading learning design.

Click here to send Tertta an email.
Click here to send Tertta a message on LinkedIn.
Telephone: +358 50 9183148.